SHINE! Episode 5: Everyday Sacredness: Path of Reclaiming Our Cosmic Essence & Organic Evolution with Viviane Chauvet, Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar

Aloha Beautiful Souls🌈

I am deLighted to share our latest Podcast Episode of SHINE! 22- Minute Soul Purpose Activation, featuring Viviane Chauvet as shares her journey as an Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avator. This is an empowering purpose activation which illuminates the path to Self-mastery and organic Ascension. We'll dive into the nitty-gritty of how our intention, thought, and emotion shapes our reality, and learn practical techniques for elevating and resetting our frequencies to reclaim our Original state of Divine being-ness.


  • What it means to be multidimensional beings with a cosmic purpose on Earth.

  • Monitoring our thoughts and emotions is crucial for our personal and collective ascension.

  • Balancing “mundane” tasks with our cosmic purpose is a simple shift in our perspective to witness the Sacred in our everyday.

  • Reclaiming our original state for the Organic Evolution of humanity and the re-ascension of our planet.

  • BONUS: how to solve any problem with our technological devices with one simple energetic trick!

From the mundane to the extraordinary, our conversation with Viviane is a transmission for our Cosmic Remembrance as we usher in, together, a new era of Self-enlightenment and Unity. She is gifting all our listeners a special Rays of Creation meditation, which may be accessed here.

Viviane Chauvet is an advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, published author, international public speaker, creator of the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® and the Arcturian Healing Arts Program, and owner of Infinite Healing from The Stars. Over the past decade, Viviane has conducted 22,000 private healing sessions worldwide for transformative changes and quantum evolution. Her presence emanates the radiance of the Arcturus 13th Light Dimension system.

Please visit Viviane’s website to learn more about her offerings, including an expansive and unified online community she hosts via Patreon.

Thank you for SHINE-ING 💛


SHINE! Episode 6: Connect with Planetary Consciousness & Harness Post-Eclipse Energetics w/ Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer


SHINE! Episode 4: Unleashing Your Soul's Song with Susann Taylor Shier: Orchestrating Purpose & Potential; Manifesting New Realities; Embody New Earth Frequencies