I am a Practical Guide offering Real-world Wisdom to Awakening Souls.
My Soul Awakening
started around 2011.
It started as a small rumbling that says I don't feel happy in this world - which turned to loud incessant cries within that "there is something really wrong with this whole picture I've called my life." I started questioning everything: why the wealth discrepancy, why power hierarchies, injustice, starvations, abuse... how is it possible that even children suffer?! "What kind of world is this? And Why am I here?" At this time, I was a junior lawyer working in a large insurance litigation firm and I became disillusioned. In the midst of these questions, I finally prayed to God/Universe and the only words I could come up with was "please, wake me up."
And so it happened. The very next day, at Starbucks. I was grabbing coffee and found a brochure lying around which was marketing a marathon-fundraiser for leukemia. Somehow, I knew I had to sign up. Through this event, I started fundraising and training for a marathon with people directly affected by cancer. I learned about death - in a real sense, for the first time. Death makes you really question what you are doing with your time and energies. It also activates a sense of knowing that we are here for a special reason.
The most real part of this experience was when I met this child who was 5 years old with leukemia. He came to the charity's office to cheer us on. He was such an inspiration and spark of light. Before the training was over, he died. It blew my heart wide opened. And I was on a quest to understand my purpose here ever since. I know now that my purpose is not a vocational path. It's my soul's eternal odyssey to know itself, and deepening to the Truth of its Divine essence.
This site is an unified field created for Souls awakening to their True Self, Purpose and exploring their multidimensional gifts.
Here, we transcend dogma, self-limiting beliefs, focusing on consciousness solutions, ascension support, and harnessing our Soul's inherent powers to create New realities. I'm your practical guide and companion to share my presence, realizations, and activations to support your journey of Reunification and sacred Remembrance - so you may SHINE, even more brightly.
I operate a business in legal estate planning and a devoted mother to a toddler. All about the woo-woo but I apply all of it to a very practical yet magical life. I believe that spirituality and our soul/starseed gifts are meant to be utilized in very earthly ways because in doing so, we create shifts in any outdated operating systems to new ways of being both within and for Humanity.
OFFERINGS (Both Group + 1-on-1 Sessions):
Practical Guidance for Awakened Souls & Starseeds, Soul Akashic/Higher Selves Readings
Channeling of Message from your Soul, Higher Selves and Guides (higher multidimensional beings)
Energetics Feng Shui for advanced space-clearing and creating abundance/health templates within home/work space.
Arcturian and Intergalactic Healing transmissions for specific challenge(s)
DNA, Light Language, Light Codes, Dragons Activations
Mushrooms/psilocybin/Ayahusca integration & processing
Death-related fears processing
Clarity, Practical Guidance, Activations, and Energy support for your Sacred remembrance of the Cosmic Truth of WHO you are and WHY you are here in this new Era of Ascension.
Knowledge and realizations from over a decade of activations, personal mentorships, and transmissions from leading ascension guides and experiences in various energetic modalities & received training– ranging from Reiki, Quantum Hypnosis, In Between Lives Hypnosis, Sacred Temple Building, Akashic Access, Arcturian/Inter-galactics transmissions, Light Language activations, Lyran Templates Crystalline Healing, to Geomancy & Feng Shui energetics from a Spiritual Tao Grandmaster Lineage.
Aside from exploring in the quantum realms, I am also an Author, Podcast Host, TEDx Speaker, a dedicated Mother, a humble Estate Planning Attorney and a certified Death Doula. With Source Love-Light as my guiding principle, I integrate my diverse roles to be a conduit of New Earth higher dimensional consciousness in every aspect of my daily living.
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