Your Purpose is already SHINE-ING: Just Drop the B.S. (Belief Systems) Right Now!
Aloha Beautiful Souls! It's always a great time to kick limiting beliefs to the curb and unleash your inner purpose powerhouse. In this message, we are going to dive into three sneaky B.S. (Belief Systems) that are keeping you from feeling like you are fulfilling your unique Soul Purpose, so your Soul may be able to SHINE like never before.
B.S. #1: Someone else can tell me what my purpose is.
Ain't nobody got the roadmap to your soul's calling but YOU. Seeking answers outside yourself is like looking for magical crystals at a hardware store – it's just not gonna happen. The magic happens when you turn inward and tap into your own divine GPS. Your Divine blueprint is all held within your cellular memory. The journey here is all about unlocking it with Light. That is your Purpose here.
B.S. #2: I will find my purpose in the future.
Quit waiting for your purpose to drop like confetti at a New Year's bash! It's not a glittery surprise waiting for you down the road. Your purpose is doing the sacred dance with you RIGHT NOW and everyday. Embrace the dance, and you'll realize you've been living your purpose all along. It's not a destination; it's the rhythm of your heartbeat.
B.S. #3: I am not enough (yet).
Listen up, love. You are not a rough draft; you're the final masterpiece. Toss out the idea that you need more, more, and some more to be worthy. Your purpose doesn't come with a to-do list or a checklist of spiritual acrobatics. You are enough, right now, in this moment. The journey is about REMEMBERING, not becoming something else when I grow-up.
Let go of the nonsense, embrace the now, and go claim your sacred inheritance!